Tuesday 11 September 2007

Flower Essences

Helps the body to assimilate trace minerals.
Enables the electromagnetic body functioning correctly.
Excellent for loss of memory and other ageing related symptoms.
Allows the inner self to become emotionally self-sufficient and open to the vital energy of Mother Earth.
Important for people working with computers and other electrical machinery or close to high voltage cables and nuclear power stations.

Spiritual nourishment.
For a deeper spirituality, harmony and inner well being.
Brings calmness and balance into our life experience.
Transforms the “mud” of our daily existence into a more beautiful reality.
Helps us appreciate that we are supported.

Moon Energy
Good for women - relieves pain and pre-menstrual tension.

Homeopathic remedy.
Good for difficulties in life.
For “stuck“ situations such as “the poor me syndrome”.
Enables the appreciation of self when in a negative cycle.
Helps us to trust life and its processes.